About the prize

About the Prize

The PinchukArtCentre Prize is a nationwide contemporary art prize awarded every two years starting from 2009 to Ukrainian artists up to and including 35 years of age. This is the first private award in Ukraine aimed at discovering, supporting, and developing a new generation of young Ukrainian artists.

Thanks to the Prize, the art center strives to ramp up the interest in contemporary art in Ukraine and, by supporting the creation of new works, to form a community of young artists who will be working on the national and international art scenes. In addition, the Prize aims to facilitate Kyiv becoming one of the leading cultural centers of the world.


Twenty nominees for the Prize, selected by an independent Selection Commission, will take part in an exhibition at PinchukArtCentre. Among them, the winners of the Grand Prize, two Special Prizes, and the Public Prize are chosen, who are awarded with:

  • The Grand Prize of PinchukArtCentre UAH 400,000 and a budget for creation of a new work or support of participation in an art residence.
    The winner of the Grand Prize is automatically put on the list of nominees for Future Generation Art Prize — an international award for young artists.
  • Two Special Prizes of PinchukArtCentre UAH 100,000 each and a budget for creation of a new work or support of participation in an art residence.
  • Public Prize UAH 40,000.

The winners of the Main Prize and Special Prizes are identified by the International Jury. The Public Prize is awarded based on the votes of exhibition attendees.