29th July 2024
PinchukArtCentre Prize 2025 Application Deadline Extended to August 11, 2024
Even more young Ukrainian artists will have the opportunity to take part in the selection process for the national contemporary art prize.
The PinchukArtCentre Prize competition has been held every two years since 2009. Citizens of Ukraine of the age up to and including 35 are eligible. One artist or artistic group can submit 3 to 7 works for the competition.
For an art group to be eligible to participate, it must meet the following requirements:
When filling out the application form, the artist must indicate at least one work or idea which they believe can be presented at the exhibition of the nominees at PinchukArtCentre.
Applications shall be filed in line with the existing procedure of the PinchukArtCentre Prize. Applications are accepted within the period specified in the timeline of the Prize.
The initial selection of works is carried out by the Selection Commission consisting of contemporary art experts. The Commission may reject a candidate if the application fails to meet the requirements of the competition.
From the submitted applications, the Commission selects a short list of 20 artists who become participants of the exhibition and compete for the Prize. The names of shortlisted nominees are announced on the website of the Prize and of PinchukArtCentre.
The exhibition of works by Prize nominees takes place at PinchukArtCentre during the period indicated in the timeline of the Prize.
The International Jury determines the winner of the Grand Prize and two Special Prizes. The decision is made by a simple majority of votes of the International Jury. The winners are announced at the Award Ceremony at the time specified in the timeline of the Prize.
At the same time, attendees of the exhibition vote for the nominees to award the Public Prize. The winner is the artist whose work received the most votes.
The application to compete for the PinchukArtCentre Prize shall be filed within the period specified in the timeline of the Prize.
Only works by the author (or the artistic group) can be included in the application.
If the work of art is owned by a third party, the application should include a notarized permit of the owner to use this work at the competition and the exhibition of works by shortlisted nominees.
At the time of submitting an application, the applicant consents to the processing of personal data in line with the Law “On Personal Data Protection” and must guarantee in writing the right of PinchukArtCentre to free use of the artistic work and free transmission of the image of their work for participation in the competition and exhibition project.
Applications are accepted online via the website of the PinchukArtCentre Prize.
The terms of participation are the main regulatory document, and consenting to them is mandatory to apply.
The best way to file an application for the Prize, to describe works and find out how the Selection Commission makes decisions can be found in the video instruction or in this example.